REVIEW: BABY LIPS (Dr. Rescue: 35 Too Cool & 55 Coral Crave)

I bought these at my local Wal-Mart. They were both around $4-$5, a reasonable price.

SMELL: They both smell minty, but a good minty.
TONE: The 35 Too Cool is obviously clear, gives the lips a very shiny/glossy look.
            The 55 Coral Crave is slightly tinted pink, does not show too well on the lips, also gives a                             shiny/glossy look

  Top:  "Too Cool"
    Bottom: "Coral Crave"
EFFECTIVENESS: I honestly think the "Too Cool" has a better healing effect than the "Coral Crave." I have really chapped lips... It really moisturizes the lips and gives it a healthy look. The "Coral Crave" worked really well for me the first couple times but eventually didn't heal as well as the first time it was used. However, the "Too Cool" keeps working.

RATING: I would give both 5 stars.

RECOMMEND?: I highly recommend this for people with chapped lips like me :)

Thank You for reading~ Hope this helped!

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